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How to use chopsticks in China

2023/02/02 12:48:15
Chopsticks are the traditional tableware of our Chinese nation. They have their correct usage when they are used. Then how to use them correctly? If you are not sure whether you are using it correctly, let's take a look at the ways to use it

1,Start by picking up a chopstick in your right hand, in the upper middle position, which will reduce the range of motion of your fingers.

,2,Place the first chopstick between the middle finger and the ring finger, eventually extending through the tiger's mouth

3,Then take the second chopstick and place it between the index and middle fingers while leaning on the top of the thumb and pressing it together.

4,By moving the joints of the index finger, middle finger and thumb, the first joint is the main joint to control the first chopstick, so that you can pick up things
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